Mike Krzyzewski grew up in a tight knit family in Chicago. He spent most of his summers at his grandparents place in western Pennsylvania which was an important part of his growing up. He attended West Point where he played basketball for Bob Knight and served as captain of the team his senior year. Mike went on to serve in the Army for five years and eventually coached there. In 1980, he was hired as Dukes basketball coach and the rest is history. He went on to become one of the most successful coaches in any sport on any level. But as hard as it is to believe, Mike is probably more respected today for his role as a leadership expert, a motivational speaker and a philanthropist. Krzyzewski runs the Emily K Center (named after his late mother) whose mission is to inspire economically disadvantaged students to dream big, act with character and purpose, strive for academic excellence, and reach their highest potential as future citizen leaders. He is also an active supporter of Dukes Children Hospital, Childrens Miracle Network and the The Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research. Mike Krzyzewski is married to Carol €œMickie€ Marsh, originally from Alexandria, VA. Coach K has written several books including his latest, The Gold Standard.
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